Thursday, March 26, 2009

Godzilla 85 Monster Land article

Click on images to view Kaiju-sized scans.
From the June 1985 issue of Forry's "Monster Land" magazine, comes this eight-page photo spread from the (then) new Godzilla movie.


  1. I love Godzilla and I love Monsterland! I am slowly completing my collection of all 17 (?) issues.

    Great blog!

    Please come and visit mine at

    I hope you enjoy it as you seem to love a lot of the same things as myself!

    Cyber :-)

  2. Cyber,

    Thanks for the comment! Monsterland was a good mag, and too short-lived. I am enjoying your blog! I think someone was off-base in reporting it as adult content and having that warning placed at the front, though. They must have been pretty sensitive... probably some mother that followed her kid's web history. Just like our mothers that used to find and throw away our horror magazines.

  3. LOL Yes you're right! I think my blog is very family friendly!
    Thanks for the kind words about the blog.
    Do you read any horror/monster magazines these days? I'm still an avid collector of all kinds of magazines myself, though it costs me way too much money!
    You should sample my YouTube channel if you get the chance. I'm wondering if you'll find any of the clips on there of interest?

  4. Sorry, I forgot to include the web address for The Cyberschizoid Channel!

