Tuesday, September 23, 2008

1986 Time "Aliens" article

Today's Monster Memories are of:
The July 1986 Time article on "Aliens"
(Click on images to view full size.)

In the summer of 1986, a new kind of big-budget sci-fi/horror/action film was unleashed upon an unsuspecting public. "Aliens" amped up the budget, scope and action in a sequel that many feel surpassed the original. In the day when most sequels were of a lesser budget each time, "Aliens" increased it and it showed. Here is the complete article that I saved from Time magazine on the movie that would blow so many horror fans away.

Below is the "Mad" magazine cover of the issue that lampooned the movie, depicting a truly horrifying scene!


  1. The Army joins the drug war.

    That ought to do it. Those drugs don't stand a chance.

  2. The very first issue of MAD I got with my very own first ever mag subscription contained the parody of the original ALIEN film... but I believe the first issue I ever actually bought with my own money was the one with the Star Wars spoof. Before then though I was already hooked on the MAD reprint paperbacks I stole from my uncle's bookshelf.

  3. Karswell,

    I have that Alien spoof issue as well! Probably post it sometime.

    The earliest issue I have is from 1965 and has a Lost In Space spoof, it's awesome.

    Although I loved the mag, I only bought issues that had stuff in it I was interested in. So they are mostly genre-oriented.

  4. Thanks for posting the Time article. Just watched the extended addition and remembered reading the cover story back in high school. Still one of my favorite theatre moments ever - it was mind blowing on a three-story tall screen! Thanks for the blast from the past-


  5. I want to know how many movies have enjoyed the privilege of being the cover of Time magazine?
